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通过在课堂上理解和结合交叉性, students, 教育工作者和行政部门可以更好地理解不同身份的学生面临的各种挑战, and how those challenges impact their access to quality education, educational advancement and positive, everyday experiences.

April is Diversity Month, and it presents an opportunity to examine the ways our lives, communities and systems benefit from the rich, varied backgrounds and experiences of others. 这也是一个深入探讨个人和社区需要解决的问题的时候,这样所有人都觉得自己被代表了, heard and empowered. 

What is Intersectionality and Why Does it Matter?

交叉性(Intersectionality)这个词最早由金伯利·勒·克伦肖(kimberl Crenshaw)在20世纪80年代提出,指的是 way social categories overlap and present to others, such as race, gender, class, sexuality, ability and more. 这些分类有助于塑造、定义和促进一个人如何在世界上移动.

For many, some categories can limit a person’s privilege, affect their experiences and hinder access to opportunities. For example, 有色人种女性在社会上可能比白人女性或有色人种男性面临更多挑战,因为对她的种族和性别的社会压迫模式仍然存在. Understanding intersectionality means that individuals, organizations, 社区和机构意识到,具有多重重叠类别的人会遇到其他人没有遇到的障碍和独特挑战. 

Intersectionality & Higher Education

When it comes to addressing diversity in the classroom, it is important that students, 教育工作者和管理人员不会忘记在更广泛的讨论中包括交叉性. At Herzing University, and across other higher education institutions, 交叉性是促进包容和公平的学习环境的关键因素. 

According to the American Council on Education, diversity in the classroom:

  • 通过提供多种视角丰富教育经验, 通过更好的沟通和理解,帮助打破障碍的经历和信念. 
  • 通过挑战陈规定型观念和鼓励批判性思维,促进个人成长和健康社会, 
  • 通过优先考虑相互尊重和团队合作,同时重视个人性格和所有个人的贡献,加强社区和工作场所. 

高等教育的一个主要目的是为学生的生活做好准备, working, and thriving now and in the future. 

高等教育机构可以通过考虑学生的交叉经历,开始创造更包容、更公平的学习环境, 来自不同背景的教育工作者和管理人员,帮助他们更有意识、更有能力倡导公平公正的代表权. 

Intersectionality and Individuals

Tackling global issues — including racism, sexism, 残疾歧视在社会中太大,太根深蒂固,难以解决. Where do we even start? 一个人能做些什么来改变如此复杂和沉重的事情呢?

意识、认可和善意的小举动会产生连锁反应, extending far beyond yourself to positively impact others. 正如圣雄甘地曾经说过的:“想改变世界,先改变自己。.” Consider how you can:

  • Be an ally. Listen to those who share their experiences and avoid judgment. 你可能无法理解他们的经历是如何塑造他们的, 但你可以承认,他们所走的道路是独一无二的,充满了障碍和挑战. 
  • Be an advocate. Educate yourself and share that knowledge with others. When you don’t know or understand, ask respectful questions, 根据你所学到的知识,对自己的生活做出适当的改变. Use your platform to help amplify those without a voice. 软件下载每个人都需要创造一个让每个人都感到舒适的地方.
  • Be an example. It’s not enough to say “the right things” in a classroom or around others; that’s not always helpful. Your actions must also do the talking. 当别人做出不恰当的行为时,袖手旁观是对这种行为的含蓄接受. 做最好的自己,支持他人,反对伤害和伤害的行为. 

通过在课堂上理解和结合交叉性, students, 教育工作者和行政部门可以更好地理解不同身份的学生面临的各种挑战, and how those challenges impact their access to quality education, educational advancement and positive, everyday experiences.

正如Herzing大学的学生所知,一旦软件下载用知识武装起来,软件下载的世界观就会扩展. And when we know better, we do better. 

We remain dedicated to our mission “to educate, support and empower all students for success in work, learning and engagement in our communities and global society.“了解更多关于赫晶的核心价值观如何反映多样性和公平的教育机会, 以及你如何分享自己的积极经历并帮助培养他人, contact the Office of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion.

Learn More About Our Career Programs


* Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), U.S. Department of Labor, 职业就业和工资统计2023 /职业展望手册2022. BLS estimates do not represent entry-level wages and/or salaries. Multiple factors, including prior experience, age, geography market in which you want to work and degree field, will affect career outcomes and earnings. Herzing既不代表它的毕业生将获得劳工统计局计算的特定工作的平均工资,也不保证从它的幸运28计划毕业后就能找到工作, promotion, salary increase or other career growth.

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