


赫兹大学最近与诀窍合作, 一个全天候为学生提供服务的在线平台, one-on-one tutoring 和 collaboration at no additional cost.

显而易见,大学是一个适合 学习. The courses you’ll take are designed to build your knowledge, utilizing both real-world applications — like clinicals 和 internships — 和 classroom discussions to deepen your underst和ing. But there’s a very relevant third route to the 学习 process that doesn’t get as much attention: one-on-one peer tutoring. 

研究显示 that students learn more comprehensively 和 retain information longer when educators 和 institutions adopt a holistic approach. With the rise of online 和 hybrid 学习 和 the consistent advancement of technology, having a 同侪辅导计划 available can help facilitate a greater grasp of the material 和 allow students to build on their expertise. 这就是为什么赫兹大学最近与 诀窍, 一个全天候为学生提供服务的在线平台, one-on-one tutoring 和 collaboration at no additional cost.


Some students might shy away from seeking outside help in academics. They could be worried that they will be judged or that there is a stigma attached to asking for help. Other students simply may not know tutoring is an available option. As Herzing wants to help students fully eng年龄 with their course工作, 培养他们的技能, 为毕业后的职业生涯做好准备, 提供诀窍是自然的延伸 大学的核心价值. 一对一同伴辅导的一般好处包括:

  • 更好地理解材料. 问问题, collaborating with others 和 having discussions are part of the process behind underst和ing technical or complex topics in nursing, 医疗保健, 业务, 或技术. 事实上, 使用诀窍的学生通过课程的可能性要高出10%. 
  • 个性化的关注和方法. There’s only so much material a professor can cover during class time. 通过向成绩优异的学生学习, you can focus on the parts you need extra help on 和 ask the questions that weren’t covered in class.
  • 增加了信心. No one likes to feel unprepared, or like they are not quite getting it. 学会驾驭大学生活, 还有其他的责任——财政, 的关系, 工作, 日程安排, 更不用说课程了——这已经够难的了. Having someone in your corner who helps you reach your goals 和 celebrates your successes is a boost to a student’s confidence, 也许是在最需要的时候. 
  • 使用伙伴制. Having someone to walk through the studying helps ease anxiety 和 stress 和 can make you more motivated to do well. 事实上, 诀窍的学生平均满意度为99%.
  • 建立联系——学术上的和个人的. Many students say that 工作ing with their peers is less intimidating 和 more conducive to 学习 because a peer will have experienced similar 学习 和 social environments than a course professor might. Peer tutors can help with both the course工作 as well as with advice for time man年龄ment, study skills 和 navigating other school 和 life responsibilities.


Herzing大学 is committed to helping students meet 和 exceed their college goals by providing ample resources free to students. By partnering with 诀窍 to enable students to book course-specific peer tutoring 和 mentoring services, 学生可以免费扩大他们的教育. 没有风险,只有潜在的回报.

设计为在线的补充, 混合和面对面的学习, the 诀窍 platform provides easy access for all students regardless of location or modality. 资源便利地位于 Canvas学生资源中心 只走几步:   

  1. 用您的HU电子邮件地址创建一个帐户.
  2. Submit a request 和 review the qualified tutors for the courses you are interested in.
  3. 选择你的导师并安排一次会议.
  4. 与你的导师在线或亲自见面.

Available tutors are either fellow Herzing students who’ve done well in their courses or professional tutors available in over 40 subjects, 24小时待命. There are also options to submit questions or receive feedback on papers within 24 hours.

高等教育不再只是死记硬背, 昂贵的教科书和合格的考试——谢天谢地! 点对点辅导是一种有效的方法, 非常高效。, 和 communal way to bridge the traditional idea of college with the modern, 数字时代. 检查 拿出这个视频看看同学们 have to say about their experience with 诀窍 和 how it shaped their outlook on collaborative 学习. 然后登录自己看看!



*美国劳工统计局(BLS).S. 劳工部, Occupational Employment 和 W年龄 Statistics 2023 / Occupational Outlook H和book 2022. BLS estimates do not represent entry-level w年龄s 和/or salaries. 多种因素, 包括之前的经验, 年龄, 你想要工作的地理市场和学位领域, 会影响职业成果和收入吗. Herzing neither represents that its graduates will earn the aver年龄 salaries calculated by BLS for a particular job nor guarantees that graduation from its program will result in a job, 促销活动, 加薪或其他职业发展.

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